What is a Neuroma?
A Morton's neuroma is a benign (non-cancerous) growth that develops in the tissue surrounding a nerve in the foot, most commonly between the third and fourth toes. It is believed to be caused by chronic irritation or compression of the nerve, which can result in a thickening of the tissue and the formation of growth. Morton's neuroma can cause symptoms such as pain, numbness, and tingling in the affected area, and is typically diagnosed based on a physical examination and imaging tests such as an MRI. Treatment options for Morton's neuroma may include anti-inflammatory medications, injections, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery. It is important to consult with a podiatrist if you are experiencing symptoms of Morton's neuroma in order to determine the most appropriate course of treatment.
Common causes
Poor foot posture and lower limb mechanics
Poor-fitting shoes
Tight and or weak muscles
Pain from other sources
Overload from training
Signs and Symptoms
Burning sensation
Shooting pains
Pain on weight-bearing
Direct strain applied between the metatarsal heads ought to reproduce the side effects.
The forefoot crush test is known as a Mulder's click.
An MRI or ultrasound assessment or an X-ray might be advised for differential determinations, for example, stress fractures.
How can our team help you if have a Neuroma?
During your initial consultation, we will quickly diagnose the issue and we will create a bespoke treatment plan which might include:
Advanced Gait analysis / Biomechanical Examination
Semi bespoke or fully orthotics open the space between the metatarsals pressing the nerve and reducing the mechanical load
Footwear advice
Padding or Strapping
Stretching / Strengthening
The different treatment options will be discussed and a treatment plan will be outlined to you. We strive to educate the patient and provide them with the tools to stay injury-free.
If you would like to book an appointment please click the link or speak to our friendly booking team on 02035760630 or click HERE to book online.