What is knee pain?
Knee pain is very common and can occur at the front, back, or sides of the knee and can be chronic or acute.
Our in-depth knowledge will first help you diagnose the cause of the knee pain through thorough history taking and physical examination of the knee plus a detailed screening of your movement patterns with functional tests and muscle lengths and strengths being tested.
We then will create a bespoke treatment plan tailored to your individual needs which may include the following treatments:
Foot orthoses (insoles) to correct foot mechanics
Motor pattern and movement training exercises
Stretching and Strengthening Programmes (both home-based and in the gym)
Taping techniques
Steroid Injection / Ostenil + used in Mild and Moderate arthritis or tendon degeneration
Facial Scraping & Myofascial Release techniques
Advice and education
Anti-inflammatory advice
The different treatment options will be discussed and a treatment plan will be outlined to you. We strive to educate the patient and provide them with the tools to stay injury-free.
If you would like to book an appointment please click the link or speak to our friendly booking team on 02035760630 or click HERE to book online.